Feb. 3, 2021

Vaccinations: What We Now Know

**Please do your own research and have a dialogue with your own vet prior to making any decisions on vaccinations or medications**

Animal welfare and the veterinarian's role: "One of the principle precepts of medical and veterinary ethics is “do no harm”. This principle must be considered before initiating any veterinary intervention, such as surgery, physical or pharmaceutical treatment, or other procedure is undertaken. In some instances, doing nothing may be beneficial and in the best interest of the animal; in other circumstances, the lack of intervention itself may be harmful.

Veterinarians and the veterinary healthcare team need to attain and maintain a high level of competency to be able to recognize, prevent, diagnose and appropriately treat and address conditions that may adversely affect their animal patients’ health and welfare needs, and thus the animals’ well being."

The veterinarians I am talking about and referencing are the “bad actors,” the ones who have no desire for the welfare/wellbeing of the pet. The ones who care about compensation, not compassion. I believe there are veterinarians that provide exemplary care for their patients and are always truthful and transparent with their clients, unlike their “bad actor” colleague whom tries to deceive pet parents and commit acts of negligence. And these “vets” are rising at alarming rates and they care causing serious harm, even death.

Growing up my two childhood dogs barely had to make visits to the vet. They only needed a couple of vaccines, and they weren’t continually loaded with: heartworm preventives, flea/tic meds and shampoos, and pharmaceuticals galore. Thinking back, that is exactly the reason why my childhood dogs barely needed to go to the vet. They were not being overloaded with toxic vaccinations and medications. Example- back in the 1970s, dogs were only vaccinated for one or two diseases. Today, there are vaccines for adenovirus, parainfluenza, bordetella, Lyme disease, leptospirosis, hepatitis, rabies, canine flu, coronavirus, and there are more and more every year.

If you are unaware who Dr. Robb (DVM) is, I highly recommend watching one of his Facebook videos. He is the first veterinarian of his kind, who took a stand against unnecessary vaccinations. He even was arrested while informing the public outside a vet clinic! His passion is remarkable.

As Dr. Robb advocates and educates, veterinarians have not received proper education on vaccinations. These vets are also not informing pet parents the dangerous damage these shots do to our pets’ immune system. I highly recommend what Dr. Robb recommends. Have your vet perform titer testing on your pet- to see if they have immunity. If your vet doesn’t offer it or will not do it... time to find a new vet!

Today, dogs and puppies are often vaccinated with seven or more viruses at the same time. I remember when Max was just a puppy, we had to go to the vet two days in a row because he was too small (3 lbs.) to receive all his shots at once. The thought makes me cringe. Never again will I let a vet do that to him. “The patient receives no benefit and may be placed at serious risk when an unnecessary vaccine is given.” Says Dr. Schultz. “Few or no scientific studies have demonstrated a need for cats or dogs to be revaccinated.” Dogs are either immune or they are not, and once immune, there is every indication that this lasts a lifetime.

Vets vaccinate dogs every year, even though field observation suggested that immunity after both natural infection and vaccination was long lived. For example: the distemper vaccine has been shown to last for 7 to 15 years. In fact, all of the core vaccines have shown this kind of duration of immunity. Who decided and tested that vaccinations are only good for one year or three years? Absolutely NO ONE! Because nobody has spent the time or money to figure out how long they would actually protect dogs. We are just now starting the dialogue on the dangers, etc. So all the vaccine labels just said ‘‘Annual Revaccination Recommended.” Dogs are either immune or they are not, and once immune, there is every indication that this lasts a lifetime. The distemper vaccine has been shown to last for 7 to 15 years. In fact, all of the core vaccines have shown this kind of duration of immunity.

Vets’ “bread and butter” comes from those reminder cards they send out to you every year. Every vet you have been to sends these out once a year. Your pet is due for yearly vaccinations. This is so false. This is strictly a way for the vet to make their profit. “Without the lure of vaccines, Vaccines add up to 14 percent of the average practice’s income, AAHA reports.

Vets today have a lot more drugs, vaccines and chemicals at their disposal. And all of these carry hefty side effects. The vet gives your pet a vaccination. Your pet develops an adverse reaction. The vet puts your pet on medication. Then the horrid side effects. Your vet performs surgery. It is a never ending cycle. But the profit is consistent.

Additionally, most veterinary colleges are financially aligned with the pharmaceutical companies. Your pets are being prescribed all sorts of medication for all sorts of “ailments.” Has your vet gone over the side effects/adverse reactions? Did you vet provide the information leaflet that comes with human medication? They need to be doing this. Once again, they are selling out for pure profit. You pet very well may not need a pill. Perhaps they need their diet changed or more exercise? You know your pet. Do not just agree with the vet to agree. If you do not feel medication is needed or right you must say something! This is a free for all this is your pets’ life.

It’s the vets’ responsibility to fully understand the risks and benefits of every medical procedure they perform on our pets and to research it thoroughly. This includes vaccinations and medications. I will end with this: despite the advances in medicine, modern dogs/cats are living shorter, sicker lives than their ancestors. This is absolutely NOT ok. Are you going to allow this to continue? What can you do? Will you choose a titer? Will you seek a second opinion, perhaps with a holistic vet before you put your fur baby on a medication? If no one makes a fuss the “bad actors” will just continue in their monstrous ways, why wouldn’t they?