Jan. 12, 2021

Complex Cases

Pets admitted to hospitals are going to have serious ailments that can be easily diagnosed. Some pets arrive with complex cases that are more subjective. If humans can have multiple health ailments and be treated with transparency, why are pets any different? They are not immune from multiple issues happening at once. These “veterinarians” do not want to be bothered with additional work and accountability. Then when you lose your beloved pet they can rely on their “we told you it was a complex case.” It is 2020, how are vets not trained appropriately in complex cases? And what exactly defines a complex case? It appears to us Otis’s case was complex because they did not know how to handle it and did not want to be bothered. Therefore, we should have been referred to someone who could handle it. Veterinarians need to do what is in the pets’ best interest. Dr. R, 100% could have referred Otis to another specialist. He made it clear he had his agenda set on how to treat Otis. We never had a chance. Looking back, we wish we would have taken him to my husband’s alma mater UW-Madison. We are tormented on what we could/should have done. But the simple fact is we trusted, that as veterinarians, they would be able to help our boy and that they care about the animals they worked with. We falsely believed they became veterinarians because they truly “cared.” Sadly, the veterinary world has become increasingly corrupt and veterinarian hospitals are financially motivated and morally lackluster. Corporatization is hitting the veterinary industry. My husband and I saw upfront in full display the toxic lack of emotional intelligence. VSC is guilty of being only interested in hospitalizing your pet for profit. Specialty centers have high level specialists and superior tech tools granting them the ability to stabilize your pet. There are large financial windfalls in hospice…hospitalization, as pharmaceuticals can be administered adlib while under practitioner care. Please be vigilant about questioning all procedures and tests the doctors recommend. Yet keep in mind, they do not like these types of pet owners. To them, it is a waste of their time. As their mind and agenda has been set in a manner that does not always correlate with that of pet owners. Not their problem.