Jan. 12, 2021

Pet Nation

“One nation, indivisible, with cats and dogs, and parakeets for all.”

As of 2018, American people and families have 185 million cats and dogs. I saw a quote at a store once that said “dogs and cats are like potato chips- you cannot have just one.” And it is so very true! Our pets, dog and cats, etc., have their own social media accounts, get birthday parties and presents, the list goes on and on. Why do we do all this for our pets? Because we love them and consider them to be a part of our family, as they are most often the “glue” to our families. They are most definitely not "personal property." Our pets connect us with the outside world. Think about the last time you took your pooch for a walk. How many times did you stop to let him/her sniff another pooch? I am almost certain you exchanged words to the other pet’s parent. Our pets provide us a great talking point with others. Pet parents ALWAYS have something to talk about and share! Pets are the connective social tissue in our society. They bring people together and create an identity for us humans. We will always have a lot in common with our fellow pet parents.

Pets also provide their parents with an ideal equality. No one measures a pet by the wealth, appearance, or social status of the pet parent- it is all about the pet! It is not a question of privilege, family name, accent, education, job or lack of one. People that have fur babies are met as equals.

Across the board pets are known as “my best friend.” Two thirds of Americans have this belief. King Frederick of Prussia is the first person on record to say, “A dog is a man’s best friend.” Pets have other historical precedents. Poet Homer in the 8thcentury BC wrote an epic poem, ‘The Odyssey.’ In this poem, after 20 years of travel, Odysseus returns home to Ithaca and his dog, Argos, is the only one to recognize him. Wow! Talk about powerful!

The word “pet” first entered the English lingual around 1500 as a term for “a spoiled child.” See! Even back then they knew the true worth of a pet! The definition/meaning was tweaked in 1530 to “an animal kept as a favorite.” I think we should keep the two definitions and the new definition/meaning should go something like this, “a favorite spoiled child.” I think that is spot on!

Key figures in history saw the worth of pets. We are going back thousands of years. If they understood a pet’s value and worth back then, it is incomprehensible that ANY individual (veterinarians) do not see this. These bad actors darn well know how important our pets are to us. They are indeed our “spoiled children.” They are profiting off our children and they are doing this at our darkest hour, when we are the most vulnerable. How can this not be a crime? They are exploiting for pure profit. The places that are supposed to “regulate” all professional licenses refuse to hold these bad actors accountable. A mere slap on the wrist. That is it?! The state licensing boards need to WAKE UP. It is 2020 and more than ever pets are family, pets are treated like our children. A lot of people have pets instead of human babies. Just like any of medical provider, veterinarians need to follow their oath they swore upon. If a human medical doctor were to do these type of practices they would most likely lose their licenses. I would know. I worked with my state licensing board (IDFPR) in regards to a very bad and shady medical doctor (for humans) and his license is suspended at least 2 years to forever. The last time I checked with my contact at IDFPR it looks like this doctor will NEVER get his license back. Why is it not like this for veterinarians? I know the process for humans and I just do not understand why it is not applicable towards veterinarians. I feel there are SO many people coming forward with the truths of this corrupt industry.

The true worth and value of our pets has been documented thousands and thousand years ago. When will we be heard? When will our message finally be taken seriously? It is time accountability is called out. How many more innocent souls will die? It is not just dogs and cats. The range of species is breathtaking and they all deserve the right to quality healthcare. For as long as I live I will speak for our beloved pets. I will demand change. And I will never stop- This would NOT fly in any other medical field. Why is it OK for vets to? Our pets give us nothing short than unconditional love, companionship, friendship, happiness- I am praying hard that Joey’s Legacy the book by JL Robb and Scott Fine will finally be the tipping point and will create the dialogue amongst ALL pet parents. I have a great feeling about this book! The more pet parents learn the dark truths the more likely we will finally be able to hold the bad actors truly accountable. It will be such a glorious day! Stay tuned!!!!